• Report the injury.
  • Complete an incident report. Make sure the information contained in the incident report is accurate and true to the best of your knowledge. Do NOT sign a blank incident report or one completed by a company official. If your job is threatened because of your refusal to sign a blank report or one completed by a company official that is not accurate AND does not contain ALL of the facts then report it to the highest ranking person on the vessel.
  • Request medical treatment. Remember that when completing any form that the information that you provide is accurate and true to the best of your knowledge AND make sure that it contains all of the facts surrounding your accident.
  • Obtain the names and telephone numbers of all witnesses to your accident.
  • Take pictures, if possible.
  • Do not continue to work if you are unable or if you are further injuring yourself or causing yourself pain.
  • As soon as you return to shore, see a physician of your choosing that you trust.
  • Speak with an experienced maritime lawyer as soon as possible.